
Economic crisis engulfing the world

Economic crisis engulfing the world, layoff this winter at last knife is coming.

Company meeting that day, I do not know their fate. When leaving, the husband stood in the doorway, always looked after me, said: "whatever the outcome, to come back early. "Shed a tear when I turned to, if I really was laid off, how do we support the already poor family?

"The trial" opened with a minute of the General Assembly, the Manager said: "I read it to the left of the name. "I heard his name, I'd tell her husband the good news at once, can be thought of a thought, why not give him a surprise?

I'm too busy to come home very late, a door smelt narrow House vegetable aroma come into nostrils, the husband made a food on the table. He went to the night shift, this time should be in the unit.
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Holding a note on the table: Dear, congratulations on your successful stay.

Must be the husband not at ease, make a phone call to the company, know the truth. I was filled with joy to eat up, husband of a craft very well, today's meal tastes especially sweet.

There are balls of paper in the trash, husband of above, I picked up watching curiously, it said: Dear, layoffs also nothing remarkable, and I still have income, I can help you support all.

Originally, the husband has prepared two piece of paper. This table the table, not just to give me the celebration, but also to pacify my failed. I can't eat. Husband is a real estate company of white-collar workers, rarely work overtime in the evening before, often recently overtime late, he's too hard. I decided to meet him.

Pitch black in the company of her husband, he is not to say to work overtime?

In a nearby restaurant, I saw a busy husband's shadow. He wore dirty clothes, sitting in the middle of a pile of potatoes and cabbage. He had at this restaurant char! I was standing outside the door, not move in a long time, I understand everything, husband layoffs but he didn't tell me.

I quietly went home knead into a ball of paper and drop it onto the table, and their names on the Department at the end.

This dip strip full of love, how the economic crisis, love is not a depression.

Princess love so extravagant

2007: "Princess love so extravagant. You can also see I poverty to be mentally and physically exhausted, all the courage and ability to make money on such a worldly affairs, always thinking of how to parent such as fine glazing fresh life of sister, her parents a great debt of gratitude to me. Princess, I only do a clever for the poor, so I did not refer to love you. ”

2008: "when many girls do in thinking when tutor time workers still living is more effective, you have brought enough money spent wandering around. Princess, to earn a livelihood for money with the scenery changes, paragraph and need longer than my youth. I'm afraid you do not see beauty when already old. ”

2009: "standing on the balcony watching you run silent, the stars seemed palpable, God honest, but the Princess, but I can't be your patron. ”

A row of Qili Xiang Qin Gege bolted to trees, dyspnea, tears for La bufadora where.

Qin Gege deep in the heart of the secret, he know?

Qin Gege shaft with a small mirror in front of the desk every day carefully trimmed prior fringe, the mirror reflects back a tall Zhang Tianhao angular face. Qin Gege quarters down the tired run to Xu Zheng, complained: "can't take my mom always made me come to you, one does not believe that I will take care of themselves. "Usually after 20 minutes, Zhang Tianhao appears on time.

Xu Zheng was not at fault. Zhang Tianhao exalted love have always thought that others light, weak. Qin Gege, she has a strong self-esteem with an unprecedented 20-year-old girl, thus displaced. Turn around, the full set is all wrong.

Unknown time into a grain texture of amber, like tears. Leave the rest all gods of love. Only Qili incense, across a very long time-space shuttle, fragrant hand. Zhang Tianhao and Qin Gege, they had a splendid time Qili Xiang opened from beneath it, without stopping.
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Love is what it looks like

Love is what it looks like

Junior school, Qin Gege suddenly became afraid of lonely children, gradually lost smile, she and Xu Zheng for the identity of the couple for dinner, hand went to the library, stop at the embrace. His hand is warm, white shirt was blown when the drum there is Sun and the smell of SOAP and water. Zhang Tianhao ran to say congratulations to Xu Zheng, from this little girl called Qin Gege name downstairs.

In this way, four years of college life whizzing. Zhang Tianhao select home, Qin Gege and Xu Zheng remain in cloud high graduate.

Since then, have little contact, occasionally greeting SMS only to wish you health and happiness. You, not you. Xu Zheng Zhang Tianhao brought the last message is fine and he got engaged. They teach in an ordinary secondary school, since then, Xu Zheng no longer mention of Zhang Tianhao's name.

River of time, fragments of time

Xu Zheng began planning for the future, take Qin Gege hand jewellery line, "we bought the House in Kunming Lake, OK? Leave a yard Qili fragrance you like sth "Qin Gege eyes blurred answer is absent-minded.

Qin Gege and listen to music that is free from take a look at day, shake to see someone anonymously written story in the School BBS: boy is very small, an orphan, by the girl's parents, considered himself out, parents both died in a car accident when, last words was entrusted to his girl, he was exceedingly care. But she tried to wake up, hear the boys call out another woman name: Qin Gege!

Two days later, in Xu Zheng Qin Gege underlying pulls out of the closet this diary, title page hehe says "Zhang Tianhao" three words.
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Flying Laser Marking Machine

Flying Laser Marking Machine
Product Name:Flying Laser Marking Machine ....................................
Product No:92135-783
Was Price:0Dollar/set Now Price:0Dollar/set
Last update:2010.01.11
Manufacturer:WuHan ChuangHeng Laser Equipment Co.,LTD
   Product details

The flying laser marker is mainly used in online marking at the surface of various products or outer packing objects. Compared to the traditional laser marker, it is greatly improved the production efficiency and meet the requirements of commercial run, and has almost covered all application field of the ink jet printers

1.Perfectly achieve on-line dynamic, static marking; apply to different production line.
2.Permanent, inerasable marking effect,
3. (Words, logo, bar code, two-dimension code, figure, image, dot matrix) full automatic series number, batch number & real-time clock, automatic production date & guarantee period.
4.Automatically produce anti-fake code, easy inquire of everyday varied batch numbers.
5.Requires no consumables, wearing parts, maintenance, low running cost, adapts to different kind of quick production lines in flying marking.
6.Various kinds of assembly line automatic feeding devices can be designed according to requirements or directly adapt to the current assembly line operation.


For The Associated Press President visit to the DPRK media called the Korean branch set

Thomas Curley, president and CEO of The Associated Press 8, arrived in DPRK. South Korean media speculated that Curley's trip may be aimed at persuading North Korea agreed to set up the Associated Press bureau in North Korea.

Korean Central News Agency reported that the English line, Curley and his party arrived in Pyongyang the same day and visit the downtown statue of Kim Il Sung Mansudae, "offering guests bronze pot to pay tribute to the President."

The report did not mention the reasons for Curley to visit or stay.

Seoul, South Korea, a source told the Associated Press, Curley going until 11 in Pyongyang, is expected to visit the DPRK meant the establishment of the Associated Press bureau.

AP Video Ministry set up office in Pyongyang in 2006, a day office. Associated Press became the first permanent office in North Korea to open the Western media. However, the AP video now only provide the Office of the Ministry of Pyongyang, the video screen, do not broadcast the written reports
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Dawn of the figure

Dawn of the figure
Always see a familiar figure, tall, thin, Dengzhe a tricycle down the street a little scavenging.
This man is a retired civil servant, before working in the Propaganda Department, called noble virtue.
The street is located in the urban fringe, are offered the environment as dirty a obese Po Yi, originally on the bloated body, his face was covered with numerous small peas. Because of this, the higher-ups is also a big brainer, Sanitation Bureau also arranged a few temporary cleaners, but they are Flying Pigeon, the time is not long, not dry. Do not know since that day, people see a 50-year-old man, wearing a pair of glasses, the text frail weak, a little, thin, slowly cleaning up the garbage, plastic bags and waved the broom in his next , flocked into the tricycle in the. With a smile on his face, from the glasses after the light emitted by a trace of calm, as if this is not working, but share a joy, a taste of a good. Appreciate a pleasure.
At first, many people thought he was hired to clean the new Bureau of Sanitation workers. Lao Gao of people do not know the inside story, but also the illusion that his family is very difficult. One time, a lot of people see them, he even cleaned with a broom, suddenly, a white plastic bag from the roll out of a 5 gold coin, his tall body bent, carefully picked up, and took out the handkerchief, wipe and wipe, and then gently placed in the pocket. We looked at him as if looking like aliens. "Too miser, and never seen such a crazy miser" everyone said in unison. Do not know when, but do not know who gave him a nickname "miser crazy" and later, "miser crazy" reputation growing, the first since he has been responsible for this street, this street the city from the dirtiest and most chaotic at worst, the city became the most beautiful, most beautiful streets, he has been the city's daily newspaper, "The best quality model", the newspaper Lianpian report, also on the city TV; second lot of people do not call him Lao Gao, and just called him "crazy miser", when this time, he just smiled, as if these three words are not ironic, but the rewards like. For a time, "miser crazy" has become a household name, as if the city is the "star" of the.
Outsiders do not know the ins and outs of Lao Gao, Lao Gao's acquaintances are aware, but the Propaganda Department of the Lao Gao wit ah, in the Propaganda Department, Lao Gao is the propaganda department of the "pen", knowledgeable, eloquent, a special love clean, my colleagues know, Lao Gao riding in the car, it is absolutely shiny, as if just bought the same car dealers. People just wonder, retired, Lao Gao serene old age not at home, how to run dry people underestimate the importance of such a career? If only for daily expenses, Lao Gao a person's pension would be sufficient. "4,500" in the city, this is definitely high-income groups. Everyone seems to have been bored in the sleeve, as baffled.
Outsiders do not understand could be forgiven, even the Lao Gao's son, do not understand, then simply become the enemy. Lao Gao's son, the original Bureau of Agriculture to work in the city, teenagers, young man is the object at the time. Lao Gao's son inherited the good genes, she is tall, long scrub. Naturally, the girls are after him, such as clouds, like a piece of. Picks around, and a good girl on the IRS. One day after dinner, his son to the Lao Gao poured a cup of tea, holding hands held to the Lao Gao of the front, "Dad, drink water", Lao Gao was surprised, to sweep the streets since he has retired, his son did not give him time good face, always said to him ashamed. Once, the old high-heeled son of anxious, "how sweeping the streets, which is a city beauty, like the past, workers dig dung Chuanxiang received by Liu Shaoqi." Confused father and son is broke. "Today is how is it?" Lao Gao wondered, watching his son got up its sleeve in the end what to sell drugs. Lao Gao sipped tea while waiting for his son's side below. "Dad, I want to buy a house, close at hand, can show me 10 million?" "10 million?" Lao Gao repeated, "10 million did not, I Carry only 1 million." If you are using, I'll you take out. "1 million, how can ten thousand! Dad, your money then, you often go to the post office, you do go, is not the money sent to my grandmother, gave my younger brother, you're so eccentric it!" son's face was red, and screamed with. "Pops" slap in the face of two echoes in the living room, Lao Gao, shaking hands high, the son of two red handprint face. Heard the noise, children quickly out of his wife, pulled Lao Gao. Son staring Lao Gao, "slammed" slams. Lao Gao stood blankly, my mind a mess, how to fight his son, from small to large, but never touched the son of a finger.

Music Love Magic

Music Love Magic

Dusk, sunset, night blurred the coast. The sea side of the bright red flashing light, sparkling waves.
Shu light wiping the hand holding the United States through the beach, leaving behind shallow footprints.
U.S. light wiping Shu walked the beach in the middle of the time to sit down, facing the sunset, sunset light color is not red dye their calm faces.
No one to speak, at the moment of calm is the calm through the storm. Hand, dependence, life is the most beautiful scenery.
Gust of wind, head down against the U.S. light wipe Shu lap. Live in the United States single-handedly wiping ring light Shu Shu hand stroking the hair beauty. Tranquil, beautiful, light floating gently wipe the mouth smile.
What a setting sun disappear like the distant past, leaving a slightly sad memories. Filled the night with pain from the time a beautiful smile hovering in the distance.
"You come from the music,
To warm me,
Grief had faded and the cold, burning his own. "
Wiping more than three years ago was a shallow depression in some children. That year he was third year, he is often shown quirks because of inner desolation. However, not because of who more than anyone else cold; but, every time the distance created a permanent stranger; that distance is terrible, just not as thin as a membrane yarn enthusiastic insight and thoughtful person; gentle at that time What seems important, such as the needs of people going thirsty for a drop of water.
Music is light wipe favorite things, he and his music had each other, because they know each other.
Light wiping with a good friend did, that good feeling is light wipe seventeen years lived the most valuable asset. However, the entrance of the war so that they will never split. Transfer to a municipal high school friends, stay in the small shallow wipe the county.
Since then, wiping a shallow person, winding along the shadow of loneliness as the years of his Love.
Teens are the most brilliant season, the boys and girls who love a lot of time. Have high school students, in fact, love is a normal and good thing.
Wipe each piece of light through the small trees on campus, there will always see the hand of the boys and girls secretly. Each time he hastened to the bypass, soon gone.
In fact, light is also looking forward to wiping the heart of a love affair. His fantasy, love is kind of how that feeling?
Is a warm, sweet, or ...
To be honest, a little light wiping or long handsome. But his melancholy appearance as the bitter cold of the ice dance all desirecilility.
Light wiping time, in addition to learning the remaining are used to listening to music. Light wiping most like to hear sad music, followed every time he can take the hint of that feeling.
Gradually, from the sadness in the interpretation of the vicissitudes of life. Although there is no deep horizon reduced, but the bitterness of the years melted.